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International Regular Retreat in Acem Meditation

This retreat is an opportunity for self-exploration and social interaction in an international environment. The scenic surroundings provide a perfect setting for meditation, yoga and stimulating talks and discussions.

Long meditations

Intensive practice of Acem Meditation makes deep layers of mental stress and muscular tension give way to a calmer and more receptive frame of mind, paving the way for thorough relaxation, increased energy and enhanced self-awareness. Refining your meditative practice gradually enables you to recognise previously hidden patterns and emotions. One aim of the retreat is to help you master the three-hour level of long meditations.

Evening seminars

Evening seminars explore personal development and the psychology of meditation, aiming at enhancing your meditative practice.

Daily guidance

Small guidance groups led by experienced instructors provide you with ample opportunities to discuss your meditative experiences. This enhances meditation skills and deepens insights into central personal issues.


Daily sessions of basic Acem Yoga have a refreshing effect and facilitate the practice of long meditations.

Social interaction

The activities of the retreat will enable rich and varied social interactions in an international milieu.

Typical daily programme

  •  Long meditation of 3 to 4 hours in the morning
  •  Guidance groups
  •  Yoga
  •  Afternoon group meditation
  •  Evening talks
  •  Social interaction

Who may participate?

The retreat is for all who have learnt Acem Meditation, both beginners and experienced meditators. Participants who have not yet learned Acem Meditation, please click here.

Other retreats

A Young Retreat and International Deepening Retreats take place each year. See the dates on our calendar.

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Course language
The official course language is English, with simultaneous translation and guidance groups in Mandarin when needed.
Early bird fee deadline
1 June 2015
The early bird fee is only available for participants residing outside Scandinavia.
Cancellation deadline
1 July 2015
I want to apply for student scholarship.
Course number: V15303
