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International Deepening Retreat with Dr Are Holen

A deepening retreat offers the possibility to experience the full effect of Acem Meditation, leading to essential changes in your meditative process and in everyday life.

A deepening retreat is suitable for Acem meditators who already have some experience with long meditations and who want to practise meditations of more than six hours.

Long meditations

A deepening retreat gives you an opportunity for daily long meditations of at least six hours. The retreat will focus on how to enhance your meditation. All activity in the course of the day is designed to stimulate the deeper meditative process.

Guidance groups

The long hours of silence are followed by daily process-oriented guidance groups led by experienced meditation guides, in order to maximise the results of long meditations. Guidance groups in English, Spanish, Chinese, German, and Scandinavian.

Seminars with Dr Are Holen

The retreat includes interactive seminars with Acem’s founder Dr. Are Holen, based on questions from participants. Dr. Holen is a highly respected lecturer and meditation guide, known for his ability to speak directly to the needs of the audience. He is the main driving force behind the development of Acem’s unique psychology of meditation. His seminars will resolve challenges from the long meditations and discuss the experience from meditative, psychological, and existential angles. All seminars will be in English. By training, Dr. Holen is both a physician and psychologist. An internationally renowned stress researcher, he is professor emeritus at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He will divide his time between Halvorsbøle and Lundsholm, with video transmission between the two retreat centres.

Walk and talk

There will be ample time for walks in the beautiful surrounding areas. Some of the walking time is combined with one-on-one discussions of themes and issues from your meditation.


Daily sessions of basic Acem Yoga have a refreshing effect and facilitate the practice of long meditations.

Typical daily programme

0730 - 0830: Breakfast, exercise 
0830 - 1530: Silence for meditation
1530 - 1600: Pause
1600 - 1730: Process guidance 
1745 - 1830: Yoga
1845 - 1945: Dinner 
2000 - 2130: Seminar
2130 - 2200: Technical group
2200 - 2300: Walk and talk

In order to take part in a deepening retreat you need to: 

  • have regular meditation habits
  • have at least 20 hours of long meditations above the three-hour limit from a weeklong retreat of Acem Meditation 
  • intend to take part in the entire retreat, from beginning to end

The venue

Acem International Retreat Centre at Halvorsbøle is situated outside Oslo in beautiful and peaceful surroundings. Most of the rooms have a direct view of the Randsfjord lake.

Reduced fee for two weeks

You may combine this retreat with the International Summer Retreat with Acem’s founder in the week before or the International Young Retreat in the following week. Go to the web presentation of the retreat in question in order to pay a discounted fee.

For other retreats, see the dates on our calendar.

For people with ample experience from deepening retreats, Acem also arranges advanced deepening retreats.

(opens in a new window)

There will be two retreats at the same time - one at Lundsholm, and the other one at Halvorsbøle. The program is the same at both retreats, but only the retreat at Halvorsbøle has guidance groups in Spanish, Chinese, and German.

If you wish to combine this retreat with either the International Summer Retreat with Acem's Founder in the preceding week or the International Young Retreat in the following week, you should go to the web presentation of that retreat and register and pay there to obtain a substantial discount.

Course number: V22309
