Healthy challenge or health hazard?
A moderate amount of stress is rarely harmful. On the contrary - it may be good for us. Without any challenges, life simply becomes less stimulating than we need in order to thrive. Severe or prolonged chronic stress and tension, on the other hand, without regular opportunities to relax in between, represent a clear and well-documented health hazard.
Daily free zones
In order to prevent or alleviate the effects of stress, it is important to have the opportunity to relax and wind down once the stressful challenge has passed. Acem Meditation helps you unravel the knots you may be tied in and increase your energy. The daily meditations create a kind of free zone. Twice a day.
Reducing the risk
Chronic stress contributes to higher blood pressure and increases the risk of fatty deposits in the blood vessels and other forms of cardiovascular disease. Too much stress not only reduces our well-being. It also increases the risk of a number of diseases, from depression to heart attack. Studies indicate that Acem Meditation reduces blood pressure and heart rate, strengthens the immune system and enhances the ability to perform well under pressure.
Deep relaxation
Acem Meditation is a process in which you re-energise and renew yourself. The anti-stress effects of Acem Meditation have been supported by scientific research. Studies of brain waves during meditation show deep relaxation.
Stress resistance
Scientific research shows that Acem Meditation provides better relaxation than ordinary rest, in some ways even better and faster than sleep. Such relaxation comes as a natural biological response and works as an antidote against stress. Acem Meditation improves the ability to respond to the acute challenges that are so common in modern life. Regular meditation also helps us strengthen our “stress resistance”.
“Several medical studies show that Acem Meditation not only reduces tension but can help you manage stress. It also improves your level of achievement.”
Erik Solberg
MD PhD, Specialist in Sports Medicine,
Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo